Happy 25th Birthday Caroline

27th October 2012

One this day, 25 years ago, you took your first breath, you saw your first faces, your first smiles, and reached out for your first welcoming arms. It was those welcoming arms that gave you your biggest fan, Lynda, your perfectly disguised hero, Arthur, and your personal credit card, Lauretta. From the moment you opened your eyes until the very moment you read this message, let it be known that you have accomplished so much already. You have been to so many corners of the global that others will never see, you have volunteered your time to make the disadvantaged feel like their lives were never disadvantaged, you have made children's dreams come true at the Magic Kingdom, you have made friends for life with people from all walks of life, you have made people laugh and fall over in drunken frenzy in Tenerife but most of all you have made me smile each and every day since I first cut in front of you outside BDubs. But now it is our turn to take you to places you have never seen before, to give up our time for you, to make your dreams come true, to make sure we commit to our friendship, to make sure we get you drunk and have a laugh but most of all, it is our turn to make you smile. Today you turn 25 but tomorrow, you will change the world once again.

Happy 25th Birthday Caroline,
Love Jack xx